New Boreham Wood boss Ian Allinson will be making his players work harder for their money this season.

He has scrapped the existing wage structure and brought in an incentive wage bill.

Now players will be judged on their performances.

Allinson said: "It was ridiculous the wages the club paid out for players to fail. It was clear most of the players last season were on easy street. They picked up wages they hadn't earned, so I've replaced them."

He added: "The incentives are now based on appearances and wins, with the players getting a lower basic wage. I want a hungry set of lads, lads who will bust a gut to get their appearance money. I then expect them to bust a gut to get a win bonus that will increase their basic.

"If my players do that, they will earn their wages, so the club and the supporters will be happy. I want us to make the progress to challenge in the next two years. If we don't, then I will not reward people for failure," he warned.

Meanwhile, Allinson has brought in another three players.

They are midfielders Luke Donnelly and Louis Lee, and defender Tawhid Juneja.

He said: "Apart from four or five senior players, the whole squad will be relatively young. It will take a little time for me to bed down a new side, but I am certain that we will improve quickly in pre-season. We will get stronger as we gain experience and we will be ready when the league programme begins."