A 12-year-old drama student from Borehamwood will appear on cinema screens across the country in the new Horrid Henry: The Movie.

Nethra Tilakumara, a pupil of the Stagecoach theatre school, stars alongside actors Richard E Grant and Anjelica Huston in an adaptation of the successful children’s books by Francesca Simon.

Nethra plays the musical Soraya, a girl in Henry’s class who sings every word she speaks.

The 12-year-old said: “I loved working on the set of Horrid Henry: The Movie in 3D – it gave me a chance to see how making a film actually worked.

“I met loads of stars - everyone was so nice to us, especially Anjelica Huston, a lovely lady. Although it’s been a lot of hard work, this is what I really want to do in the future.”

Nethra also got to walk down the red carpet at the movie premiere in London at the BFI Southbank on Sunday.

Horrid Henry: The Movie is on general release from tomorrow.