I was very disappointed to see the Liberal Democrats voted out in the recent local elections. (‘Blue is the colour,’ Borehamwood & Elstree Times, May 13.) Regardless of any political affiliation, I felt this was a very sad day for Hertsmere as I believe the council has lost an important voice.

It is a shame that local Lib Dem councillors were punished for the mistakes of their national leaders, leaving us with a two-party system, which somehow feels less democratic and less representative.

The domination of one party in any political system is not healthy, it does not promote discussion and critical thinking amongst its members.

Although we may not wish to see the Lib Dems in power, I feel we must acknowledge the alternative opinions they contributed, often acting as a buffer to the majority party who wields all the power.

I was glad to see former group leader Roger Kutchinsky say he was determined to get back his seat in the future, and I wish him the best of luck. I look forward to the return of the Lib Dems in Hertsmere.

Anthony Burns