AN amateur dramatics group is seeking talented performers for a “delightful” musical called The Boy Friend, due to be performed at The Radlett Centre in October.

Elstree Productions Theatre Company want enthusiastic singers, dances and actors to join them for two pre-audition meetings on Tuesday, May 24 and 31.

The group, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, said cast members need to be over 18 and will be asked to pay either a membership or individual show fee, due to the expense of putting on the production.

Director Brian Burton said: “We are very pleased to be presenting The Boy Friend again, as we last staged it 10 years ago. It is such a fun show with plenty of roles on offer.

“As it is set in a finishing school in the South of France in the 1920’s there are opportunities for a number of leading young performers as well as some excellent roles for more mature actors.”

The Boy Friend originally opened in the West End in 1954, before transferring to New York and staring Julie Andrews.

The local production may not match the budget of Broadway, but it has received a helping from Hertsmere Borough Councillor Dr Harvey Cohen (Conservative, Brookmeadow) who allocated £800 from his ward improvement fund toward the cost of scenery and costumes.

He said: "Taking part in theatre activities is a great way of bringing like-minded individuals together so I wanted to support their production in October.”

The pre-audition meetings, and all rehearsals, will take place at the Maxwell Park Community Centre, in Maxwell Road, on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm.

For further information on joining Elstree Productions and appearing in The Boy Friend contact Josie Shingles on 0208 953 6560, or Mr Burton via email

The show will run for four nights at The Radlett Centre from October 12 to 15.