An exciting Playday session will held for children at Aberford Park in Borehamwood on Wednesday.

Events on the day will include a show from Mr Marvel the Entertainer, face painting, story telling and a visit from the Young in Herts Information Bus.

The Playday is being held as part of National Sure Start Month, a campaign to raise awareness of the childrens' services available and show parents that it is best to start teaching their children early.

There will be information about healthy eating, health and safety at home and how to install a car seat safely.

Hertsmere Borough Council parks officer Fiona Leadley said the idea of the event was to provide a fun play session for children, while giving adults some helpful ideas on bringing up healthy, safe children.

The fun starts at 10am in the play area at Aberford Park, Aberford Road, and runs until 1pm. Activities are subject to weather conditions, and people are asked to bring a packed lunch and a blanket. For more information call Hertsmere on 0800 731 1810.