
What allegedly contributes more to global warming greenhouse gases than the entire worlds transport sector, yet its rarely mentioned?


Livestock methane (or cow burps and toots to you and I)

If as we are led to believe, cattle are a main source of greenhouse gases, then why does it appear that no one is prepared to raise this as an issue, especially our politicians?

I should make it clear that I am not a scientist, I don’t have an "ology" to my name. Apart from one year when we had a very pretty substitute chemistry teacher, I was never really that interested in science at school. However, every time I watch the news, open a paper, pay my electricity bill, go on holiday or fill up the car with petrol I get the uncomfortable feeling that as green issues increasingly hit our pockets, it will not be long before we all become armchair science experts.

Last week delegates from around the world met in Bali to negotiate on a new international climate change treaty. I have watched the news quite closely and I have heard lots about the pollution created by the developing and developed world, the manufacturing industry, the greedy energy consumption of certain nations, budget airline travel and the impact we car drivers are having on the planets environment, but I appear to have missed the debate on farming? Something stinks with all of this and Im not talking about the cows flatulence.

If the facts are to be believed, the worlds growing demand for meat and dairy produce is creating a rapid and dangerous boost to certain planet warming gases. This livestock contribution to global warming gases is far greater than the Co2 emissions of the entire worlds use of cars, buses, lorries, planes and trains. So I'm confused why environmental lobbyists and other green protest groups seem to be so reticent in coming forward on this issue?

Maybe it's because the environmentalists (you know the ones I mean, the ones that sport fine examples of open university lecturer circa 1972 style sideburns) that TV news companies wheel out whenever the subject of climate change is on the agenda, find it far easier to keep a straight face when discussing the 'carbon producing, fosil fuel guzzling, planet destroying evil car driver', than they would if forced to talk about cow farts and burps?

I guess similar to my views on Europe, although I'm not a sceptic, I do prefer a cautious approach to the subject of climate change. I remind myself that scientists are not G-d's, the information they present on the cause/s of climate change are still based on scientific theories and not absolute fact. Dare I say it, I am also concerned there is some potential for a scientist to adopt a somewhat prejudicial attitude depending on the political/business agenda of the person/company paying their wages? However subjective their research may or may not be, their theories appear to leave us with no option but to agree to pay the higher petrol prices, airport duties and other green taxes, as the alternative impending environmental catastrophe is far less appealing. I have spotted one potential upside to global warming. If sea levels do rise as has been predicted, there is every chance that residents in Hertsmere may end up enjoying a great sea view from their valuable beach front properties, every cloud and all that....

I find it strange how even though the connection between carbon dioxide and global warming has not been conclusively proven, we all continue to base our climate debate on the usage of fossil fuels, whilst hardly ever mentioning that livestock such as cows, sheep, pigs and Santa's reindeers, who are all walking methane producing machines, are constantly pumping out their noxious potent greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.

In the capacity to force out hot air league table, Hertsmere Councillors have nothing on cattle, as it is estimated that a single cow can belch and trumpet out in excess of 100 gallons of methane in a day, a gas that has been demonstrated to have many times the heat trapping potential of Carbon dioxide.

Speaking of Hertsmere Councillors, I was glad to see that the environment played a significant part of our last 'regular' full council meeting, when following the example of measures taken by the town of Modbury in Dorset, which has effectively become plastic bag free, Labour Party Councillors on Hertsmere Borough Council gained support for their proposal that the Borough Council takes the lead in encouraging local traders and supermarkets to consider, and use, alternatives to disposable plastic carrier bags. The council motion, proposed by Labour Councillor Di Hoeksma was passed by a unanimous vote of all councillors.

Although my own festival of Chanukah is over for another year, before I go and over eat and drink for the next few days, there is a cute website your children may like, where as well as playing Xmas orientated computer games, they can follow Santa's movements as he and his "methane planet polluting" reindeer (apparently dancer is the worst offender) make their way around the globe on their important delivery round. You can track Santa's progress on Xmas Eve on:

Please remember that although the council offices may be closed for a few days over the holidays, you can still contact your local councillor with any council related issues or problems you may have. You can find your specific representatives contact details on Hertsmere Borough Council's Web Site.

However you choose to celebrate at this time of year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well over the break, season's greetings and a Happy and Healthy 2008.