Five Hertfordshire residents are among those convicted of theft in recent weeks.

These offences include stolen shop and personal items, with fines and jailed time handed down by the courts.

1. Dean Jeffrey

Dean Jeffrey, of no fixed abode, stole washing items to the value of £25.97 from Morrisons in Stevenage on March 18, 2024.

On the same day, he stole seven bottles of wine and a can of Monster Energy, to the value of £49, from One Stop, also in Stevenage.

Appearing at Hatfield Magistrates' Court, the 43-year-old was hit with seven week prison sentences for both offences, to run consecutively, with the court deeming him to have a "flagrant disregard for people and their property".

2. Perry Pratchett

On July 19, 2023, Perry Pratchett, of Felmores in Basildon, stole Ralph Lauren clothing with a value £828, from the John Lewis store in Welwyn Garden City.

The 35-year-old was ordered to pay compensation of £150, with his guilty plea taken into account, after appearing at Hatfield Magistrates' Court on March 21.

3. Aurel Sali

On April 10 this year, Aurel Sali, stole a bag containing cash and other items to the value of £400, from the Cask and Stilage Pub in Potters Bar.

The 39-year-old was ordered to pay £400 in compensation at Hatfield Magistrates' Court, as well as being hit with four month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

The following day he was found to be in possession of cannabis in Barnet, an offence which he was fined a further £50 for.

4. Abbi Fox

On March 20 this year, Abbi Fox, of Church Street, Edmonton, London, stole alcohol and chocolate, to the value of £121.50, Sainsbury's in St Albans.

Appearing at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court, the 24-year-old was fined a total of £40.

5. Andrew Hamilton

On April 24, 2024, Andrew Hamilton, of Redbourn Road, Hemel Hempstead, stole a pack of Speckled Hen beer, to the value of £5.85, from the Co-op store in Stoneycroft, Hemel Hempsteead.

The following day, the 35-year-old stole stole cheese and a chicken and bacon sandwich, to the value of £5, from the same store, before stealing a multi bag of Mini Cheddars and a pack of biscuits, to the value of £15, from the Tesco store in Stoneycroft.

He was ordered to pay compensation to the value of each item, as well as £80 for damaging a vehicle belonging to Herts police on April 25.