I know in the scheme of things this may seem small beer to the constant stream of mis- information currently being perpetrated by senior members of Hertsmere Borough Council, but the article on electronic systems being installed in buses by 2010 is quite laughable (Electronic bus ticketing suggested by council, April 4).

This issue is at least seven years old, in fact when I was re-elected to the borough council in 2001 an officer from Hertfordshire County Council held a seminar on this subject.This issue gets rehashed every year around election time by those in control, as if it is a breakthrough of major proportions.Well it isn't, and people should not be fooled.Even if we started now it will still take between five and six years to have it up and running.If the Mayor of London can get this done, working in conjunction with a hostile GLA, then surely it is not beyond the wit of a Tory county council to work with mainly Tory district and borough councils in Hertfordshire?Leon Reefe Badgers Close, Borehamwood