People can give their views on the future of libraries at a public meeting next week.

Hertfordshire County Council is seeking to develop a new ten year strategy to ensure libraries continue to provide a modern and relevant service.

It will be holding the consultation meeting at 96 Shenley Road next Wednesday at 6.30pm.

Councillor Frances Button, who is responsible for libraries, will be at the public meeting to answer questions and discuss issues raised by local people.

She said: “Our aim is for Hertfordshire libraries to be fit for the future, providing residents with the right services in the right places.”

Cllr Button added the consultation was the starting point for a conversation about the future of the county’s libraries, involving residents right at the start, before any decisions are made.

There will also be drop in sessions held at the library and members of the public can have their say by completing a questionnaire online at

The consultation runs until December 31 and the results will help to shape a new library strategy to be published in spring 2014.